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Hello, my name is Rachell (I thinks it is only polite to introduce myself if I am going to share my heart with you), Welcome to our website, please feel free to come in and explore, we are always adding new information to help you and your decision making process.

Our goal is to help people live their Best Lives.

Information We believe that the more information you have the easier it is to make a decision. We are here to provide you continually updated information for whatever stage you are currently in and maybe help you see things from a different perspective that you didn’t think about before. So whether you are just starting out and saving for your first down payment, are considering a move up because of a growing family or just exploring the idea of moving to San Diego our website will help you explore your options.

Fun While buying or selling a home is a huge financial decision it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be fun and exciting. You are moving because you have a destination in mind. Better Financial Security, Your First Nest, A Place for the Kids to Play and Make friends, Footlose & Fancy Free, Resort at Home. We are here you as your cruise directors so that your sail is smooth and enjoyable. We take care of the details, minimize the waves and get you to your destination while you enjoy the trip.

Team While one person can do so much it cannot compare to what people can accomplish when they work together. We all have our unique talents, passion and vision that allow us to see and do things differently. When we harness that power in a team we can accomplish more and make the best decisions. Behind this website we have a great team ready and willing to put their expertise to work for you. When you join us we become part of your team, your goals become our goals. The more people you have working toward a common goal the faster the goal is accomplished.

Share The biggest obstacle we see people face in real estate is lack of direction. Typically people sign up for housing alerts on various websites, spend all hours of the night on Zillow, call on signs they see in their desired neighborhood trying to find the right house before you contact a real estate agent. Before you know it a year has gone by and you still haven’t moved or even worse you finally find your dream home, but before you have time to place an offer on it someone else buys it before you can finish your paperwork. I understand why this happens; people are afraid if they actually talk to a real estate agent about what they want they will be hounded every day for the rest of their lives and honestly when you call some real estate agents this is might be true, or they know or at least thing they have to “fix” something before they can start towards their new real estate goal.

Now let me share an alternative; spend as little as half an hour of your busy schedule to chat with me and I can save you time and money. Even if you aren’t planning to make a real estate decision for a year, by talking with a real estate professional early can make sure you are on the right track preventing costly detours and delays. 
